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20.11.18 10:28   |    ЦП, Санд?  en
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updated 14.08.18 12:15
16.06.18 20:57   |    Stephen Wright
 I got on the bus, sat down and noticed a beautiful blonde Chinese woman crying in the seat across from me. I moved over and asked her why she was crying.

"I don't usually bare my soul to strangers," she said.

I replied that sometimes it was perfectly fine to tell your story to a perfect stranger. She nodded and said, "I just came out of my therapist session and he says there is no way to cure me."

I asked what exactly was her problem. She said, "I'm a nymphomaniac, but I only get turned on by Jewish cowboys. You know, I do feel better. By the way, my name is Kim."

"Glad to meet you," I said. "My name is Bucky Goldstein."

https://vimeo.com/150588324 - версия из фильма.

А кто такой Голдштейн, особенно Иммануил, я пояснять не буду.

Искренне ваш, заслуженный мастер спорта подполковник Чингачгук.
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